Friday, October 30, 2009


A week-end without kids...
For the 2 of us....


Tuesday, October 27, 2009


do you feel
my fingers running slowly on your face right now,
on your soft lips
around your eyes.... getting lost in those sexy lines
can t get enough... of that skin of yours....
addictive warmth accompanying me to the deepest night
breathless, waiting for your return,
your hands
contain my world....

for my soulmate, my companion, my equal, my lover....

thanks for being there

Also addicted to coffee

Now, I know why they invented that wonderful and hot beverage....

it's for nights just like the past one...

I think the cold/flu season just hit home...

Mom is going to need a lot of coffee

Timmie's gift card anyone....

Monday, October 26, 2009

The coming out

1st of the Journey serie

Horizon Between Heaven and Hell

a treashold, a point in time...
Calm, quiet and still.
A journey through life
The beginning or the end...
Perspectives on a single mom's life...
Sometimes, i am not leading the way...
Sometimes, i just can't...
Going back is impossible... looking forward is hard...
Loneliness is a journey...

This idea stayed in my head for a few days. When I started, I used rubber cement to cover parts of the canvas, but ran out and the results was not pleasing, to me anyway. So I used PRIMER (hahahaha) and restored to it's original pure white state...

And waited again... I had explained my concept to Jay but could not yet translate it to a picture, until now.

The best thing... my baby, who is 5, took part in it. She helped me mix the colors and even applied some to it.

I am very pleased about this piece because it came out as I saw it. Nothing is more frustrating than trying to create something that exists only in your mind...

A nice surprise

A cold night in October....

is a total accident.

I had planned a two pages mix media pieces to cover all of what Hurricane Katrina had left in my mind and.... well, i could not find the right composition.

So I worked on one canvas and left the other alone for a few hours... Mischievous things, you know, canvases... They have a life of their own, and when you leave a slightly touched canvas alone for a few hours... well you know... ideas come along and things happen. That was the case I brushed the wax with tempera paint. Just to see what could happen. I did not care about messing up because I was already happy with the other that I had just finished.

So I used my fingers and got dirty.... when I decided to really look at it... I was speechless.

and I only 1 thought in mind.... I was now addicted to painting... badly...

Needless to say, when Jay came back from his jam session. His jaw dropped... He had never expected this. (to see his baffled expression was actually what made me the happiest on that day)

I gave myself the permission

The 1st attempt...

The baby who took 3 years to finally come to life... thanks to an indicible fear of messing up.. of not rendering the reality... you know... THE fear...

Well... After many thoughts and after an incredible afternoon talk with Laura Starkey (artist living in Merrickville, Ontario), I decided to try... I gave myself permission to make a mess and mistakes and turned my kitchen into a painting studio (cause my actual studio was too small to welcome a such thing). And got going... The kids were out with their other parent, Jay was with his band, jaming and Boots, alseep on a kitchen chair, looking at me like he wanted to say... don't you even dare...

I did....

and this is what happened on that sunday:
Remnants of Hurricane Katrina (yes, I lived there at the times)
Mix media with plastic bag, joint tape, metal hinges, screws, debris, safety pins etc. I first painted with a sandy color, then melted wax all over the paint. I glued pictures and papers clippings onto the canvas... It took me a few hours but the demons were out...
In honor of those who where not just fighting Mother nature at the time but a real messed up american system...

Intro to the Muses

Hello artists out there...

My name is Mel. I am based in the Ottawa-Gatineau region. I created this blog to exchange with other artists around the world. Je parle aussi francais couramment y un poquito espanol. With 6 kids, ranging from 5 years old to 13 years old, a black cat named Boots and a base player as a husband, my life is everything but boring. I am not set into one specific medium. I paint, mostly abstract, (with wax, acrylic, tempera paint, glue and add other pieces to my canvases like metal or plastic pieces), make mix media boards, scrapbooks or memento albums and write. I am very eclectic art wise and very curious.

I am inspired by many things: the smell of coffee in the morning, my little 5 years old cuddling with us in bed, a gull flying accross a grey sky, the pink sunrise that I admire almost everyday and sentences in different songs.

Inspiration always strikes when you least expect it. Be ready... at all times
Until the next time, take a few minutes, be creative.